

Over the years, I have come across numerous challenging technical situations that have surprisingly very little information after Google searching and scouring IT discussion forums. TEKinaka.com has articles that have been pieced together by my experiences and are in no way designed to be a “fix all” for every problem you might be faced with. However, after hours of banging my head on the wall, it’s worth having something documented here that I can refer back to down the road. If it helps another person in the process, then its even more worthwhile. I hope you find these entries useful, informative, or at least thought provoking enough to kick start a troubleshooting process that gets you to a solution.


Feel free to leave comments on any of the articles, I respond to all of them. However, if you want reach out directly send a message using the contact form here.

Please note that I may not be able to provide technical support on specific issues.

Thank you!

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